If there's any kind of advice I could give someone wanting to work in this industry it would be to make sure you're observant, that you pay attention to everything. I have a friend that tells me this all the time, he tells me to pay attention to everything. After having thought about it for...well months...it's true, to survive you must pay attention to everything. I could make this broader and extend the advice to life in general but I'm not thinking about taking over the world just yet.
Today it's about paying attention to your job and those around you in the brothel world. This job just isn't about fucking people, its about being observant enough to understand your client, to choose wisely and try to gain the most from those observations. We'll go back to the old saying of...Don't judge a book by its cover.
Those men that some girls find repulsive, those that look poor, are often sometimes the biggest pay offs in the business. Just because a man has Armani taste and a Jaguar in the parking lot doesn't mean he's going to pay you anymore than the minimum if at all. Those men are usually good for a round of drinks, a jukebox donation to keep the wolves at bay and then once his vodka and tonic kicks in he's down the cul-de-sac making the rounds, and as he slips out the door the shallow promise of "I'll be back..." glides into the air and lands on pessimistic ears.
Even just working here for a year it brings out the pessimist in me and all my coworkers of what someones word actually means. Honesty is for saints, not for hookers.
It's those you see in the crowd, the nervous and the nerds, the once a year vacation trick that spends, because they've saved up to do so, and they don't want anyone to hold back. They expect a good time for the amount they pay. They expect their kinky and closeted fantasies to come to life, and when the money is right they get what they want.
It's the observant ones that triumph in these situations. Its not just about the clients though, its about the whole picture, what information you can attain from all the things happening on the floor.
Your business is to know your client better than they do, and to know the girl sitting next to you, to know what role you're playing for the night, are you yourself, or are you the innocent country girl who knows how to screw sweet then dirty? It all depends on what you see in the night, in yourself, what role the others have adopted and its in your best advantage to try and fill in the gaps.
Beyond the floor there is the twisted maze of the house. Not only are you navigating a set of unwritten rules that keep the etiquette copacetic among you and the other girls but the house itself has rules.
Its the girls that blindly walk around waiting to be led by the hand that can't and wont survive this environment. You have to be with it so to speak and on your game if your not all your potential money goes down the drain. Some seem oblivious to repercussions of missed line ups and dirty hustling, but to each his own, you can log these actions but keeping your sanity means keeping to yourself and minding your business before all others, because there's no one who's going to hustle for you.
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